At Sugar Penguin Cakery, we add an extra touch of love into your celebration.
Imagine a white round cake as your canvas.
We create custom cakes inspired by your story
and your ideas by bringing them to life
using edible fondant art!
Our passion for creativity has led to our
love to bake cakes for you to love!

For full photo albums of ALL of our creations
and feedback, visit and "LIKE" our Sugar Penguin Cakery page on Facebook!
Follow us on Twitter @SugarPenguin for exciting updates and what we're up to.

If you want more information, please email us at hello (at)
sugarpenguin (dot) com!!

So tell us your story and let's start baking!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Expansion (and Signing Off)

Our homes just expanded by "two feet" on Saturday! It took us by surprise as we didn't expect the little one would come to this world so soon!

So, in a nutshell here's what happened....

Backpain was just driving me crazy for the past week and massage didn't really help since they can't do too much on the last stage of pregnancy. My due date is about 5 weeks away on Thursday night. My husband and I were just finished catching up on a busy day of TV premieres.. I know, we're TV freaks. RJ, our little one was up around 1-ish and refused to go back to sleep. Oh joy. He finally fell asleep at about 2:30 am and my husband moved him to his own bed. As I was watching him being moved, something felt gushing and I knew it was the water broke/leaked. Sure enough, it was a ruptured membrane.

We quickly went to the hospital and I was admitted right away. Then...., the waiting game started....

The whole Friday was a total waste, no action, we're just waiting and waiting, and waiting for some more. Good thing my dearest hubby bought me the last book of the Millenium Trilogy. That kept me occupied for a while. Late morning Saturday, closer to noon, I started to feel some cramping. I was still laughing and texting my friends at about 1 pm. I would never expect it to be that soon for the contractions to intensify.

By the time I was moved back to the labor room, I have dilated by 8cm. Doctor came on time and man was it was so quick, 5 minutes, he was out! i was in awe. that's it?! i thought.. my hubby was not even there yet! We called this little one, JP.

But the drama did not end there... Since JP was early, the placenta didn't want to pass out. We tried so many things, oxytocin on placenta, on four, and standing up and nothing... They tried and they have no other choice but to send me to the OR to get the uterus cleaned up. They had me on a total anastetic.. and when I woke up, it was all done. YAY!

Without further ado, here's my little JP, still inside the incubator in this picture, about a day old :)

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