Though I've been taking a step back, but it really means another step forward for me as I am educating myself in more intricate techniques and sugar flower making from I have learned so many things these past few weeks through the classes I enrolled. The first lesson I learned is that patience-which I am lack of- is definitely a must in making sugar flowers. At one point I was too excited to put the wired petals together and ended up remaking all the petals again as they all broke (the wires pushed through the semi-dried petals) **SIGH** But all is well, I really enjoy my journey in making sugar flowers.
Here are a couple of things that I made in October:
A cake for my buddy at work (an avid golfer and he has a mini schnauzer named Tonk)
Then, this one is my favorite, making a figurine topper for a co-worker's granddaughter's first birthday: